Super Mario Bros. Commentary
This week we’re gonna try something truly special. The HB crew is joined by guests Chelsie Romano, Mel Grear, and our one-of-a-kind audio wizard Jason Domenico in a screening of the Super Mario Bros. film... and we’re inviting you to sit down and watch with us!! That’s right. Play our audio commentary track alongside viewing this 1993 cyberpunk ‘classic’ and it’ll be like we’re right there with ya, riffing on everything you see, from the film’s ominous use of 9/11 foreshadowing as well as it’s gratuitous cleavage shots. Then after you have had time to really let this masterpiece sink in, we will return next week with a full breakdown of how in the world all that bullshit came to be! If you do not already own a copy of the Super Mario Bros. film, you can find the movie through the Amazon link on our website. Than once things are properly set up, just listen for our instructions on how to sync and enjoy.
Follow this link to buy the movie: